Optimizing Retention

I offer my consulting services as low-risk, fixed-price packages. If you don’t find a package that meets your needs, drop me a line at hello@joshpitzalis.com to discuss a custom arrangement.

Retention Data Analysis

Takes 1 Month | Costs $5500

The retention data analysis offers insight into where your product currently stands and where the biggest opportunities for improvement are. The final deliverables include 4 detailed reports.

This service is most useful for capable product teams that want to know where to focus their attention to have the highest impact on their retention metrics.

👉 Click here to learn more about the data analysis package.

Data Analysis & Interviews

Takes 2 Month | Costs $8500

The analysis and interview package offers insight into your biggest opportunities for improvement as well as providing context around the factors that influence these bottlenecks. The final deliverables include 4 data insight reports and summaries of 10 interviews with your existing customers.

This service is most useful for capable product teams that want to understand where to focus their attention and deeper insight into how to have the highest impact on their retention metrics.

👉 Click here to learn more about the data and interview package.

Custom Experiment Design

Takes 3 Months | Costs $25,500

The custom experiment design package offers my best recommendations on exactly how to improve your retention metrics. The final deliverables include 3 detailed experiment designs based on insights from your product analytics and 1-on-1 interviews with your existing users.

This package is best suited for teams that have server-side AB testing architecture set up and are looking for an influx of new evidence-based ideas for experiments specifically designed to improve user retention. 

👉 Click here to learn more about the experiment design package.

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